Viktoriia V. Nikonova

Associate Professor, Ph.D.


Office: 50




Teaching Activity:
General Lecture Courses: Introduction to science
Seminars/Laboratory Works: Atomic Physics, Mechanics, Molecular Physics, Statistical Physics, Electricity and Magnetism, General Physics, Experimental Physics, Methods of Data Processing and Numerical Methods

Educational publications:
Scientific world view

Scientific interests:
Nonlinear diffusion processes, influence of complex formation on nonlinear diffusion in molecular solutions, structural composition and quantitative characteristics of chemical reactions, based on the diffusion characteristics analysis.

Social activity:
Smart REX
About UKRATOP project (article)
ReLAB  (

List of selected publications:
1. Nonlinear diffusion in multicomponent liquid solutions / V.V. Obukhovsky, A.M. Kutsyk, V.V. Nikonova, O.O. Ilchenko // Phys. Rev. E. – 2017. – Vol. 95. – P. 022133 (11p.). 
2. Complex formation in liquid diethyl ether-chloroform mixtures examined by 2D correlation mid-IR spectroscopy / A. Kutsyk, O. Ilchenko, Y. Pilgun, V. Obukhovsky, V. Nikonova // J. Mol. Struct. – 2016. – Vol. 1124. – P. 117-124.
3. Quantitative analysis of complex formation in acetone-chloroform and ethyl acetate-cyclohexane solutions / O. Ilchehko, V. Nikonova, A. Kutsyk, V. Obukhovsky // Ukr. J. Phys. – 2014. – Vol. 59. – P. 268-275.




Повернутись на сторінку: “Склад кафедри
Повернутись на сторінку: “К-Т

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